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At a time when track safety is more important than ever, Sal Sinatra, a seasoned industry executive, is launching Defendable Data and Equine Safety Solutions (DDESS) to tackle the issue of inconsistent and unpredictable racing surfaces. With decades of experience in racing, Sinatra realized the need for a more reliable and uniform approach to ensure that equine athletes and their riders are as safe as possible from injuries potentially caused by track issues.
DDESS provides groundbreaking solutions that will consistently deliver a uniform racing surface, race after race, day after day. DDESS will provide accurate and up-to-minute information that eliminates guesswork.
The company’s patent-pending Defender Units will gather data from thousands of waypoints on the racing surface. This technology allows the track maintenance team to pinpoint exact areas of the surface with potential concerns, mere feet apart, and adjust accordingly to ensure uniformity during training and after each and every race. The Defender Units are visible on-track and show that the facility prioritizes surface safety. The equipment works on dirt, synthetic and turf tracks and can be used during any kind of weather conditions. Defender Units utilize ground-penetrating radar to scan the racing surface and record millions of data points that can be compared with previous results to determine any anomalies.
“We have a better way with better technology and time proven methods with a solid team ready to assist,” said Sinatra. “The time has come. The industry needed a better way, and it is here. Finally. This is a game changer,” he added. “Our experts will begin track assessments and the journey to uniformity in January 2024.”
-Sal Sinatra
Representatives from Defendable Data will be at the University of Arizona Race Track Industry Program’s Global Symposium on Racing in December and can meet with any interested parties during that gathering.
Contact Defendable Data at 888-688-9630 or to learn more about this revolutionary track safety program for your facility.